Monday, November 2, 2009

What to Look for when Buying a Sports Wheelchair

At the time when you first lost your mobility, you probably thought that your days of playing sports were over. In centuries past that would have been the case, but not any more.

Go To For More Information About Wheelchairs and Mobility Aids

There are whole lines of wheelchairs designed to make it possible for users to continue playing sports they love and to stay active. There are even opportunities to play at national and international levels through leagues and the Paralympics. It doesn't matter whether you're a racer, a basketball player, or a tennis ace, you will find mobility chairs which will put you at the top of your game.

Special athletes participate in many different sports, even if they're wheel chair bound. They play baseball, basketball, tennis, and golf and participate in other sports, such as swimming, gymnastics, track, skiing, and wrestling, just to name a few. Although some of these games need to be modified in order to adapt to their limitations, these people are still active and living full lives. You can do it, too, as long as you choose a wheelchair that will deliver the maneuverability, speed, and tight turning radius you need to succeed.

Sports aren't about bemoaning the skills you have lost. Instead, they are a celebration of what you're able to do. You no longer need to sit in a corner and let life pass you by just because you've lost the use of your legs. Let a customized wheelchair become a substitute for your legs, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. If you don't believe me, take a look at athlete Augusto (Goose) Perez who took up wheelchair curling in 2005. In addition to playing on the U.S. Paralympics Wheelchair Curling Team, he's also active in soccer, wheelchair road racing, wheelchair basketball, and target shooting. He's never let a little thing like losing his quadriceps muscles to cancer slow him down.

There are manufacturers who produce customized wheel chairs to meet every sporting need. This can be a problem, however, because they are expensive, and insurance companies often refuse to pay for them. A custom-designed chair can run as much as $8,000. Instead many athletes are turning to ultra lightweight, rigid titanium or aluminum models which can be purchased much more affordably. Besides being very versatile for sporting needs, these chairs double as everyday transportation for a lot of people. Another alternative is to purchase a used sports chair; however, this isn't always the best option, because customized chairs are made for the original user and may not be adequate for your needs.

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